Stress Free Group Coaching

Stress Free Group Coaching

  • A six- week training course designed to provide stress relief techniques specifically tailored for teens with ADHD, promoting mindfulness, self-care, and emotional well-being.
  • A Community for Support
  • Downloadable Resources

About Course

Your homes, closets or office sometimes look as if they have been vandalized or like warehouses for piles of papers?  You can’t find a starting place to begin working toward a goal, whether it be completing an assignment, getting your child ready for camp, and getting into an organization routine?

You have to call your cell phone to find it. Your car keys disappear. You can’t remember appointments or run late all the time? Money management and doing well in the work environment is a constant energy drain? You have several projects going at one time and quickly lose interest in things that were a passion.

We can help you!

With DHS Success is a Matter of Time

What you Will Learn

  1. Develop self-awareness and self-reflection skills to better understand your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
  2. Learn effective coping techniques and strategies to manage and reduce major stressors in your life.
  3. Cultivate resilience and build emotional well-being, allowing yourself to navigate challenges with greater ease.
  4. Develop skills in empathy and compassion, fostering healthy relationships within yourself and others.
  5. Enhance teens’ ability to communicate and express their needs and emotions effectively.
  6. Utilize a safe and supportive space provided by the DHS Coaching approach to explore disruptive thoughts and challenging emotions, gaining insights and strategies to navigate them successfully.


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